Marlene to the Rescue

As a busy wife and mother, I don't have a lot of time to volunteer in my community. But it's important, so I MAKE the time.

For those who read Life Like Mine, it's obvious that I love animals. So I volunteer with the New Nodaway Humane Society -

However, my contributions are nothing compared with some of our dedicated volunteers. People like Marlene Thompson, who along with two others, coordinates our shelter's Animal Rescue Transport program. Helping dogs like Bruce (pictured above) find new homes and new lives.

Marlene and the gals work tirelessly to find rescue organizations and foster programs across the U.S. to place dogs and cats that - for whatever reason - are not adopted from our shelter. Once they find a home, then it's time to call upon a group of fellow volunteers to help transport the animals to their new home via short 1- or 2-hour car trips.

It's a mission that takes a tremendous amount of time, coordination and dedication. And as long as they save one animal's life, they believe it's worth it. Learn more at her blog - Be inspired to make a difference in your community. The way Marlene has done in ours.


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