Lessons of sport


At last night's end-of-season soccer dinner, Coach Gonzalez and several of the boys commented about how grateful they are for the community's support and how it's grown for the team over the years. The crowds we had at games this season were fantastic! Thank you, Maryville. 💚

Many people don't understand the game as well as football or basketball. American society often dismisses the skills or athleticism needed for the sport. They equate tie games or low scoring as failures of a sport's value. High school players run up to 10 miles per match, folks. It's not supposed to be a contact sport but often is, and it's played without padding. And there's that whole "can't use your hands rule." So, yeah, it ain't easy. It's a game of patience and methodical skill. Sometimes luck. But often one of perseverance. Because of that, it teaches young players many skills that spill over into their everyday lives.

I took Gabe's senior banner to the dinner so his teammates and coaches could sign the back of it. Never underestimate the impact a coach has on players - and vice versa. We're grateful to Coach for the culture he's created for Spoofhound Soccer. Can't wait to see what happens next season. We'll be in the stands to watch it all.


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