This one hurts

This one hurts.

Because Sister Ginny changed my life.
She hired me as director of communications for the Benedictine Sisters and didn't care I wasn't Catholic nor didn’t know a darn thing about religious life. She trusted me to do the job and welcomed me into an amazing family of strong, loving, faith-filled women.
A fun-loving Italian who lived up to a last name like Argenziano, she enjoyed a corporate life before becoming a religious sister. She lived in San Francisco and Boston and Atlanta. She traveled. Made friends everywhere. Loved her family fiercely. No special occasion would pass without a hug and handmade card from her.
I was four months pregnant with Gabe when I was hired. I was so sick. All. The. Time. All day. Every day. Throughout the entire pregnancy. And Sister Ginny was the best boss, giving me so much grace as I navigated a less-than-easy pregnancy and a new job. When I told her Jon and I had chosen the name Gabriel, she felt it was Divine Intervention that led me to the Sisters. She always felt a bond with Gabe and was one of his biggest fans, proud of every accomplishment he made as if he were her own.
I sat by her bedside yesterday, knowing her time with us was drawing to a close. I stroked her fragile arm, listened to the quiet rhythm of her raspy breaths. I thanked her for her unwavering belief in me and for her boundless love. Then I kissed her goodbye.
She passed away this morning.
Gabe has a new copilot, and her name is Sister Ginny.


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