Best CoPilot

I mark the number of years my dad has been gone with one measure: subtracting two years from Gabe’s age. So today my dad has been gone 17 years.

Losing a parent to sudden death is an excruciating experience. The world changed in an instant or, in my case, a phone call. A large part of myself had vanished.
However, a piece of my dad returned when Gabe told us he wanted to fly. Like the Universe decided to reward us for good behavior after years of mourning. “Hey, here’s a little something special to lift your spirits.”
More than anything, aviation has gifted Gabe with a roundabout way of getting to know the grandpa who died too soon. To appreciate a love of blue skies and calm winds, with an eye always on the horizon.
The phoenix can rise from the ashes in unexpected ways, and I’m grateful for it each and every time I watch my son doing the things he loves.
That’s how I get through the tough days. Thanks, Dad.


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